Capital Budgeting in the Chemical Industry

 ExxonMobil Chemical Baytown Olefins Plant

Background Modules for ChE473K
Process Design and Operations

at the
University of Texas at Austin

Gerald G. McGlamery, Jr., Ph.D., P.E.


About the Site



Web Links


ChE473K Site

About the Site

I created this web site to supplement my lectures to Dr. Bruce Eldridge's ChE473K class on capital budgeting. Dr. Eldridge first offered me the opportunity to teach capital budgeting to his students in 1998. That first year, I put significant effort into developing a good set of slides to facilitate the lecture. In 1999 and 2000, the lecture was substantially unchanged from 1998. During those two years, however, I realized that I would like to cover some higher value material that gets to some of the difficult issues in capital budgeting. Since my class time is limited, I decided that the best way to add the higher value material is to cover some introductory topics using a web site.

Using a web site is appealing because it fits with my philosophy that lectures are best meant for complex topics that require discussion with the students. I assume that you can read as well as I can, so if I have done well in preparing my slides, I see little value in reading them to you.

I have therefore recast several of my lecture slides as web pages and removed them from the lecture because I think the material is relatively simple and requires little discussion. Dr. Eldridge and I also concluded that we would like to incorporate more of the concepts that I teach directly into student practice, so the web site allows me to post several homework problems that should allow you to take the lecture material and apply it.

In 2003, Prof. Michael Poehl was kind enough to ask me to lecture to his sections of ChE473K in addition to those of Dr. Eldridge.

Errors and Omissions

If you find any errors or omissions in the material presented on this web site, please send me an e-mail note and let know.

Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2011

All Material © 2001-2011
Gerald G. McGlamery, Jr.
Contact the Author